Kyoya Hibari - Katekyo Hitman Reborn 駄目・彗: July 2016


Tuesday, 5 July 2016 at 01:23 Posted by けいら 0 Comments

Cosmos by Carl Sagan
It is really a good book. Full of science and imagination that can take you wonder about this universe. The book was beautifully written. It’s really great, I really recommended all of you to buy it!  Because I’m that kind of human who always forget what she read, I wanted to review everything that I could learned from this book so I can remember it again. Some words I used here is original from the book because I’m afraid if I change or rephrase those words they will have different meaning, but there are some words too that I rephrase due to long sentences and difficult vocabulary. So that’s why if you found some sentences with bad grammar, it was made by me absolutely. I’m sorry, I’m just trying to summarize this book so it will be easier to me remember this content of this book. Oh yeah, I wrote some words from another literature as well for reference. :P .


You can measure the circumference of the Earth by knowing the distance of 2 places and having some sticks. Eratosthenes is an astronomer from Alexandria in 3rd century B.C. .When he was in the southern frontier outpost of Syene, he experimented vertical stick cast no shadow at noon on June 2. He also experimented in Alexandria vertical sticks cast shadows near noon on June 21. But how could it be that at the same instant there was no shadow at Syene and a substantial shadow at Alexandria. The only possible answer was the surface of the Earth is curved. Not only that, the greater the curvature, the greater the difference in the shadow lengths. The Sun is so far away that its rays are parallel when they reach the Earth. Sticks place at the different angles to Sun’s ray cast shadows of different lengths. For the difference in the shadow lengths , the distance between Alexandria and Syene had to be about 7 degrees along the surface of the earth or about 1/50 of 360 degrees. Eratosthenes knew the distance between Alexandrian and Syne was approximately 800 km (he already hired a man to pace it out). 800 km times 50 is 40.000 km; so that must be the circumference of the earth. (the error is only a few percent, it was really a remarkable achievement for 2200 years ago)

In the great dark between the stars there are clouds of gas and dust and organic matter. Dozens of different kinds of organic molecules have been found there by radio telescopes. The abundance of these molecules suggests that the stuff of life is everywhere.
Artificial selection made many physical and behavioral traits of plants and animals are inherited. Humans, for whatever reasons, encourage the reproduction of some varieties and discourage the reproduce of other. In the year 1185, the Emperor of Japan was a seven-year-old boy named Antoku. Their decisive naval encounter, with the Emperor on board ship, occurred at Danno-ura in the Japanese Inland Sea on April 24, 1185. The Heike were outnumbered, and outmanuvered. The entire Heike battle fleet was destroyed, only 43 women survived. These ladies-in-waiting of the imperial court were forced to sell flowers and other favor to the fishermen near the scene of the battle.  Fishermen who are the descendants of the Heike dress in hem and black headgear and proceed to the Akama shrine which contains the mausoleum of the drowned Emperor. The fisherman say the Heike samurai wander the bottom of the Inland Sea still –in the form of crabs. There are crabs to be found here with patterns that resemble the face of a samurai in their back (carapace) . when caught these crabs are not eaten , but are returned to the sea in commemoration of the doleful events at Danno-ura. How could crab like that existed? It seems to be that humans made the face. Because pattern in the crab’s shell are inherited,  the crab with the face of samurai in their back left more descendant than the regular crab.  The more you look like a samurai, the better are your chances of survival. Eventually, there come to be a great many samurai crabs. This process also applied to dairy cow, dog or an ear of corn. Ten thousand years ago, there were no domestic animal or plant. When we domesticated the ancestors of these plants and animals, we controlled their breeding. When we wanted a dog to help care us care for sheep, we selected breeds that were intelligent and obedient. Eventually, there come to be many dogs like that.
The Earth condensed out of interstellar gas and dust some 4.6 billion years ago. We know from the fossil record that the origin of life happened soon after, perhaps 4 billion years ago, in the ponds and oceans of the primitive earth. In those early days, lightning and ultraviolet light from the Sun were breaking apart the simple hydrogen-rich molecules of the primitive atmosphere , the fragments spontaneously recombining into more and more complex molecules. It dissolve in the oceans , forming a kind of organic soup of gradually increasing complexity, until a molecule arose that was able to make crude copies of itself by accident, using as building blocks other molecules in the soup. The reason organisms are the difference in their nucleic acid instructions. A mutation is a change in a nucleotide , copied into the next generation, which breeds true.

This book told us about the discovery of the center of Solar System. As we knew, in early day most of people believed that earth is the center of universe. It was known as Ptolemy’s model.  Then , in 1543 , Nicholas Copernicus, a Polish Catholic cleric, introduced a new model of universe. In Nicholas’s model, Sun is the center of universe. But it annoyed many people. In 1616 the Catholic Church placed Copernicus’ work on its list of forbidden books “until corrected” by local ecclesiastical censors, where it remained until 1853. Later this confrontation solved by Kepler. He introduced Kepler’s three laws. Kepler propose that the planets were material objects made of imperfect stuff like the Earth. And if planets were “imperfect”, why not their orbits as well? An orbit didn’t have to be a perfect circle. His first law of planetary motion is a planet moves in an ellipse with the Sun at one focus. (As we know the orbit of Planet is not very ellipse but nearly circular and neatly separated one from another. It was later explained by Sagan in next chapter that There were probably many planets in the process of formation. The orbits of the present planets are the orbits of the survivors of this collisional natural selection. Those with elliptical crossing orbits tended to collide and destroy themselves. Those with circular orbits tended to grow and survive.) Kepler’s second law of planetary motion is Planets sweep out equal areas in equal times. The last laws is the squares of the periods of the planes are proportional to the cube of their average distance from the sun ( P2 = a3). This law told us the closer the planet to the Sun, its speed will increase too.
A comet is made mostly of ice – water (H2O)ice, a little methane (CH2) ice, and some ammonia (NH3) ice. Striking the Earth’s atmosphere , a modest cometary fragment would produce a great radiant fireball and a mighty blast wave. Comet also the one who responsible of meteor shower. Meteors are the remnants of comets. In the outermost solar system, there is a vast spherical cloud of a trillion cometary nuclei , orbiting the sun with speed about 220 miles per hour . (If I were not mistaken, it is called Oort Cloud ) . Most never penetrate the border marked by the orbit of Pluto. But occasionally a passing star make a gravitational flurry and commotion in the cometary cloud, and a group of comets finds itself in highly elliptical orbits, plunging towards the Sun. Old comets, heated by repeated passages near the sun, break up, evaporate and disintegrate. Some swarm of meteors is always at the same position in the Earth’s orbit, so the meteor shower is always observed on the same Day of every year.

Modern planetary scientist sometimes argue that the collision of a comet with a planet might make a significant contribution to the planetary atmosphere. For example, all the water in the atmosphere of Mars today could be accounted for by a recent impact of  small comet. Newton also believed that the Earth’s oceans are of cometary origin, and that life is possible only because cometary matters falls upon our planet.

++ the review will be continued at next post++

    ごめん ~( ̄、 ̄;)~

    I'm sorry for my bad English..
    I really suck at grammar! (*- -)(*_ _)

    Just want to share (つ∀`)

    Just want to share (つ∀`)
    All link download I posted in here, is just sharing. Just sharing! I found in somewhere else in the world of internet.. Yeah I already said that.. And I said the source too . but maybe some link I forgot to put the source.. So forgive me.. And there are pictures and video I used too that not mine! But there are some files that I uploaded too .. although just few σ(´ω`*)

    雲雀 恭弥

    雲雀 恭弥

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