Kyoya Hibari - Katekyo Hitman Reborn 駄目・彗: February 2012


This post will not about japan/animanga..
It's about Sherlock!!∩(≧∇≦)∩
A detective fiction character from best novel by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
If you have read the novel by him, or maybe you have watched/read Case Closed (Detective Conan), you should know him better..
I'll review this tv series, only first season.. I'll review the second season in another post .. :peace


 (his face is really funny XD)
(you can see, how beautiful the view of Thames River)

 (It's when, his flat got boomed, but he can still sit calmly )

 (the view beautiful of grafitti!!  Freestyle ~)

 (John Watson, his partner)
For All, My Rate: 8.8/10
The story is good... Mystery is everywhere..
The feeling of awesome towards Sherlock is really big..
Really.. He is so genius.. and idiot!! XD
The humor is great too.. placed in the right scene...
Clever humor!!
You must watch it!!

Ah, btw there's something I want to review too...
SUCKSEED Thai-Movie Review (サックシード)(I dunno why there are katakana in this film)

Its Thai-Movie... but really.. This film is really good...
I laughed a lot watched this film, even my brother scolded me to shut up..
The humor is really something...
For me, It's the best thai-movie..  
Although, I haven't watch many thai movie..
The story about 3 boys who wanted to make a great band..
The names are Ped, Khung, and X
Khung and X are really idiot..
For Humor, My Rate: 9/10 (I swear you'll cried of laughs when watched this film)
but, for the story : 7.8/10 (Really creative!!)


at 11:11 Posted by けいら 0 Comments

Yoo!! Post kali ini emang agak aneh. Biasanya orang orang kalo buat tuh pasti fave pairing couple, nah ini malah brother-sister XD
Jujur, gw suka banget nonton cerita yang main chara male nya sayang banget sama adiknya,, ya aka siscon
Gw suka banget cerita ttg kakak adik, karena ceritanya pasti seru + lucu.. drama nya juga pasti lumayan. karena g ada yg aneh"..
dari pada ttg cinta" , lebay deh.. lagian aku kan masih kecil #bletakk
ya, misalnya gini... Hibari Kyouya tuh cowok yang sangat cuek.. cold, sadist, yankii(yankee) lagi... dan g pernah senyum (pernah kok. sama gue :D), tapi dia akan berubah 180 derajat kalo dia sama adiknya...namanya Hibari Keira (?)
dia sangat sayang sama adiknya... (wait... kok malah jadi kayak fanfic ya?)
ya kurang lebih kayak Okita Sougo sama kakak perempuannya... wakakkaka
sumpah, ngingat tuh cerita pingin ngakak.
ada g ya co yang kayak gitu? ada palingan.. (dimimpi)
kalo mo dibilang menurutku cowok romantis tuh cowok yang sama adiknya!
(oia, title for this post is quote from him)
okay... stop basa basinya... here is the my fave list.

1. Nunally x Lelouch (Code Geass)

 You know lah... cowok yang paling keren karena rela ngelakuin apa saja untuk adiknya.. bahkan rela pride yang diinjak injak, berantem dengan keluarganya sendiri, dan kepala yang dinjak injak dan dipukul sama temannya sendiri (siapa ya namanya? lupa ah)

2. Kaname x Yuuki (Vampire Knight)
 Ah... Keren sih kakaknya.. kalo gw jadi Yuuki emang gw akan ikut kemana kakak gw berada, yaialah kan 1 1 nya keluarga yang tersisa, tapi g sampe incest juga kan ==" walau ortunya juga incest!

3. Kagura x Kamui (Gintama)
 Sama sama aneh.. idiot ==" dan pastinya kuat
pake baju juga sama.. sama sama chinese clothes..
padahal ayahnya aja kagak..
emak nya kali... tapi g tau juga ya.. abis emaknya kan mati
tapi .. sebenarnya scene nya mereka berdua tuh kurang..
apalagi kamui sangat jarang banget muncul..
tapi kalo g salah pas chara poll 2011 nya dia urutan ke -3

3. Kanba x Himari (Mawaru Penguindrum)
Sebenarnya g tau juga sih nih cerita.. gaje ==" #bletak
gw juga baru nntn sampe episode 20 (klo g salah), habis malas banget nntn sampe habis, nanti kalo dah mood baru nntn lagi..
sebenarnya awal awal ceritanya keren. anime nya juga unik.. karena ada penguinnya yang aneh banget.. penguinnya lucu, idiot pula.. apalagi pinguinnya kanba.. hentai banget... orang ada serius serius eh, pingiunnnya malah lagi enak enak mainin 'underwear' nya cewek.. XD
dulu screenshot gw yg pingiunnya banyak. karena laptop gw diformat ulang, karena virus jadi photonya ilang.. nyesal banget g mindahin photonya di disk D/E..
Oke posting gw malah nyasar ke pinguin bukan brother-sister nya =="
di cerita ini yang gw suka hanya Kanba.. semua chara nya gw benci!! #bletakk


Ah.. Even tough I really waited this anime, but hell....  This series is not make me freaked out.. I thought this anime would be like 'Ghost Hunt' ==" 
Genres: Mystery, Drama, Horror, School
My Rate: 6.5/10 (1-4 episodes)


Ceritanya masih menurutku masih belum jelas... selama gw nonton sampai episode ke 4, ceritanya masih kurang rasa tegang nya... seharusnya ceritanya lebih dibuat ke thriller psychological , biar horror nya kerasa ==" 

Aquarion EVOL

sekilas.. kalo diperhatikan... anime nya jelek...
but, If you watched this anime, even just 1 episode..
you can say.. how great this anime..
My rate: 8/10 .. worth to watch lah~
Genre: Genres: Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Mecha, Romance, Sci-Fi
Screenshot : 

The artwork is good. and the action of robot (mobile suit) is good too.. but when I watched them do 'Union' , it reminds me the robot from power ranger XD
Ah this anime is sequel of Sousei no Aquarion
I haven't watched that anime before.. but I'll watch it later..

Oh yeah btw,when I watched Mirai Nikki, I found something funny
see it..
Apel nya habis!!! XD
Kalo di iPhone, kan simbol apel nya yang digigit hanya 1.. nah ini 2-2 nya...

    ごめん ~( ̄、 ̄;)~

    I'm sorry for my bad English..
    I really suck at grammar! (*- -)(*_ _)

    Just want to share (つ∀`)

    Just want to share (つ∀`)
    All link download I posted in here, is just sharing. Just sharing! I found in somewhere else in the world of internet.. Yeah I already said that.. And I said the source too . but maybe some link I forgot to put the source.. So forgive me.. And there are pictures and video I used too that not mine! But there are some files that I uploaded too .. although just few σ(´ω`*)

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